


EDUARDO CAPILLA (b. 1960, Mar del Plata, Argentina)

Since 1977 he has participated in a large number of national and international exhibitions in galleries and museums. During the 1980s, he carried out numerous installations located in public parks and areas with high pedestrian traffic in Buenos Aires, New York and Caracas.

Capilla had a diverse and exploratory career within the field of Fine Arts. He has experimented with different styles and techniques, including figurative art, abstract art, and monochromes. He also pushed the limits of the traditional subject-object relationship, perhaps exploring themes of context and perception. Eventually, Capilla appears to have moved towards conceptual art, where the emphasis is on the ideas and concepts behind the artwork rather than on its aesthetic qualities or technical skill. This shift suggests that Capilla was interested in exploring the boundaries of what art can be and in using his work to communicate deeper meanings and messages.


Rodolfo Edwards