If Everything Has Already Been Decided

If Everything Has Already Been Decided - group show  VIGIL GONZALES | Mahara+Co|   Art Space 305


ARTISTS | Enrique Ramírez | b. 1974, Chile, José Luis Martinat | b.1974, Perú, Natalia Iguiñiz | b.1973, Perú, Karina Aguilera Skvirsky | b. 1977, Estados Unidos, River Claure | b.1997, Bolivia, Gonzalo Hernández | b.1991, Perú, Fernando Nureña | b.1993, Perú, Javier Barilaro | b. 1974, Argentina, Rocío Guerrero | b. 1991, Chile

Mahara+Co & Art Space 305 are pleased to welcome Vigil Gonzales gallery for a unique collaboration in Miami. We firmly believe that the future of art spaces lies in collaboration. For this reason, one of the fundamental principles of Mahara+Co & Artspace305 is to support international projects and galleries, providing them with a meaningful space to exhibit their work. We are convinced that the diversity of voices and perspectives not only deeply enriches the artistic experience, but also contributes significantly to the global cultural dialogue.

If Everything Has Already Been Decided - group show  VIGIL GONZALES | Mahara+Co|   Art Space 305


The exhibition "If Everything Has Already Been Decided" explores the intersection of aesthetics, politics, and humanity through works by various artists. The pieces capture moments of introspection, showcasing the beauty in the everyday as well as challenging social norms. From works that reflect on the fragility of life and the passage of time to explorations of identity and politics, the exhibition invites viewers to question their own behavior and appreciate the complexity of the ordinary.

Some of the works include a powerful metaphor for life such as “Incoming" by Enrique Ramírez, which depicts the choice between being a passive spectator versus venturing into the unknown. José Luis Martinat's performance, “Commissioned Drawings," challenges the idea of human immutability and questions social norms. Natalia Iguiñiz explores seriality and surveillance in her work "Prayer," while Rocío Guerrero Marin uses the Affectograph to translate people's emotional experiences into abstract drawings and associated interconnected phrases.

Possible identities and cultural diversity are explored in the works of River Claure, who invites us to imagine new worlds and identities in a transnational Andean context. The review of archives and selection manifests in the creations of Fernando Nureña and Gonzalo Hernandez, who use diverse visual references to generate dialogues and visual reflections.

Finally, Karlo Andrei Ibarra uses images alluding to territoriality and the machinery of the state to reflect on social and political inertia in his work. The exhibition celebrates the complexity of human existence and highlights the beauty that arises from the most unexpected corners of life.


gallery is conceived as a contemporary art gallery, with spaces located in the Peruvian Andes, Santo Domingo, and Buenos Aires, in which it proposes to promote the agency of artists within the Latin American and global scene. The gallery is conceived as a site of research and cultural, disciplinary, and knowledge exchange.


Within the framework of a global artistic production where the questions and motifs raised are part of a common unknown, VIGIL GONZALES promotes the exhibition of artists based in Latin America and the United States. The purpose is based on making visible the “dialects” -marked by the regions where the artists work- that make up the contemporary language of art. Like the artists that make up our roster, VIGIL GONZALES has established itself as an active node within the international scene.


Mahara+Co & Art Space 305 is an art space that emerged from the fusion of two independent art projects in the city of Miami, FL. Our gallery has a curatorial focus on promoting the work of contemporary artists, with a particular emphasis on supporting and giving visibility to emerging local and international artists. 

We firmly believe that the future of art spaces lies in collaboration. Therefore, one of our fundamental pillars at Mahara+Co & Art Space 305 is the commitment to support international projects and galleries, providing them with a meaningful space to showcase their work. We are convinced that the diversity of voices and perspectives greatly enriches the artistic experience and contributes to a global cultural dialogue.


The Dream of Ometecuhtli Solo show: Gabino Abraham Castelán
